Ross Tester (USA) took home his second win of the season with another dominant performance. He laid out a huge backflip straight into some controlled speedy turns and linked this into another dreamy air. Ross then topped off his run with a steezy corked 360 for victory.
Zuzanna Witych (POL) put together a feature-packed run to secure her first win on the FWT. She started with multiple stylish airs up top, linking this into a double air, and continued with fall-line skiing above exposed terrain. More features in the bottom section cemented the top spot.
Marion Haerty (FRA) proved herself untouchable yet again and truly the queen of freeride snowboarding, securing her fourth FWT Title and breaking the FWT all-time record for titles. She went straight into big mountain mode, beasting some huge turns in the top couloir, then completed the rest of her run at top-speed, showing further style in the bottom couloir.
Victor De Le Rue (FRA) put down a near-flawless run to take his first victory of 2021. Victor started with a floaty 360 in the guts of the mountain, then followed this with a huge straight air. He then hit the gas and launched over the famous channel gap - a courageous move today in low snow.